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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

SOLL This Week

After a positive start to the Summer Open Lacrosse League, I am eager to keep the ball rolling.
Tomorrow night (Thursday 5/28) will be just like last week with us meeting at 5:30 at Valley Southwoods. Just like last week I will probably be a couple of minutes late, but please get there and get ready so we can maximize our time. We will pull out one or both of the goals as needed. Just like our first two games, plan on wearing full pads and helmets.

Unfortunately Saturday will be a little different this week due to graduations and other obligations, but I still want to play! Based on the responses so far, our numbers may be small so I am declaring this Saturday (5/30) an official Toss Around event instead of a SOLL game.

What does that mean? 1. Pads and helmets will not be required. 2. We may or may not have access to the goals. 3. We will be playing a non contact game with or without goals. 4. This is a great opportunity to get new people out since pads, etc are not required. I know that some people have extra sticks and I am asking them to bring them, if they are willing. Younger players will also be welcome this Saturday. I have been contacted by a few and would like to get them going.

We've had some good times in the past at the Toss Around events and they seem to be an excellent way to introduce the sport to new people. Granted the Toss Around games are different from regular lax, but they provide an excellent opportunity to learn the fundamentals.
In addition, due to prior engagements and other obligations, we will be moving this Saturday's start time up 30 minutes to 11:00 AM.

There will not be a scheduled lacrosse game next Thursday (6/4). We are having the year-end team dinner for Valley Lax.

After that things should be back to normal. Full pads will be required for Thursday (5:30 pm) & Saturday (11:30 AM) events. Hopefully there will not be any hiccups for a while, but we all know how hectic life can get...

Having said that:
We will not play on Saturday July 4, for obvious reasons
I will not be there on Saturday July 11, but encourage people to get together if they want.

Contact me with questions or concerns.

Tribe 7