I received size XL, but as soon as I pulled them on I realized they may not be big enough. The nonadjustable top strap did not want to slide over my bicep. Since I am not exactly Schwarzenegger, this is a major concern; I am unsure about more muscular D1 d-poles being able to wear this pad without some *ahem* modification.
Valley d-pole Dan Boyd tried them for half of the Orange vs White game. He praised their light weight, but said that they continually slipped off his arm due. Whether this was due to the pads' size or me stretching the strap (it is elastic, so that should not be an issue), I am not sure.
If I was a d-pole, this is the type of pad that I would prefer to wear. Unlike attack, poles rarely get repeated checks across the forearm so getting rid of the extra weight and restriction of a full arm guard would be a great idea. The 111 arm pads' ClimaLite lining, flexibility, and light weight make this pad a winner. They provide sufficient protection on falls and errant stick checks to the elbow. Full force hits are definitely felt, but again, this pad is designed for players that are rarely in the position to receive such checks.
Comfort: 7
Flexibility: 9
Moisture Management: 8
Protection: 5
Overall: 7.25 out of 10
Flexibility: 9
Moisture Management: 8
Protection: 5
Overall: 7.25 out of 10
I would recommend this pad to d-poles - especially those that park themselves on GLE. LSMs would be wise to avoid this pad as it offers virtually no protection.