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Sunday, February 1, 2009

First CILA Event Was A Success!

Yesterday's toss around/practice was a fairly big success! I was concerned that the lack of confirmation emails would mean that Tyler and I would be hanging out at Valley by ourselves for two hours. Not that there is anything wrong with that; I have no problem just tossing a ball back and forth.
About five minutes after we got there, another laxer showed up. The three of us formed a triangle and were throwing the ball around when a small fleet of cars pulled in. We suddenly had another five guys out there throwing.
We tossed the ball around for put 20-30 minutes to get loosened up a bit. Then we started playing Tyler's recommended "Ultimate lacrosse." I mentioned UL in the post about playing at the Soccer House, and I gotta say it was very fun. We tossed our sticks into a pile and Tyler randomly threw them out to form two teams. We played our hearts out and manged to have a fun and engaging game without physical contact (nobody wanted to wear pads or anything) that lasted for about and hour and a half. Though my team led early on, the other team managed to pull a come from behind 3-2 win.
The weather was better than predicted, with my car reporting temps near 50. Needless to say, sweatshirts were dropped by 1:00. The turnout was great; the parking lot was a pretty good place to play. My legs are a bit tired from being out of shape, but I feel great. With another predicted high in the 40s, we are tentatively planning on getting together next Saturday as well. Noon seemed to be a great time and the location seemed excellent, so we will plan on that once again. In the meantime, share your opinions about playing at the Soccer House and enjoy the Super Bowl.
Go Cards!

Tribe 7